Development center boosts Boston jobs
Posted on January 28, 2019
A new development center will help strengthen Boston jobs.
The Economic Development Center is designed to engage with residents on economic development policy around job growth, business development, placemaking and community economic development.
The Economic Development Center will be at convenient, accessible locations in every neighborhood throughout the year, offer interpretation services upon request, a child-friendly environment, and will serve as a vehicle to generate economic opportunities for all residents and businesses in Boston.
“To ensure our economic development strategies deliver real results for Bostonians, we are bringing policy and resources to residents and businesses in an accessible, thoughtful, and collaborative manner,” said John F. Barros, Chief of Economic Development. “We will be out in convenient locations – with staff and resources in many different languages – to not only help with small business financing and connecting the diverse talent in our communities to opportunity, but to discuss our creative community development strategies in order to get your feedback.”
The Economic Development Center will host free workshops year-round, across four series that focus on different sectors and different policy areas: equity and inclusion; small business; community economic development; and jobs and talent.
The Mayor’s Office of Economic Development staff and partner organizations will facilitate workshops to engage with residents on policy, connect businesses and entrepreneurs with necessary resources and support organizations, and directly work with individuals to access career advancement trainings, hiring and contracting opportunities, and networking events.