Manufacturing Jobs in Boston Cut with 3M
Posted on July 7, 2009
One company’s decision to move positions out of Massachusetts could result in the loss of some manufacturing jobs in Boston.
3M Co recently announced that it plans to stop manufacturing operations in the state, a move that will result in about 200 layoffs. The jobs will be moved from Southbridge, Mass., to other sites throughout the world. About 50 non-manufacturing jobs will remain at the site.
The layoffs are expected to be complete by early 2010. 3M, which is based in Minneapolis, cut about 1,000 jobs during Q2, leaving about 76,000 employees with the company.
The company’s manufacturing operations in Massachusetts create eye and ear protection devices, but 3M also makes Post-it notes and films for liquid-crystal display televisions. The company obtained the Southbridge site through a previous acquisition of Aearo Co.
Manufacturing is not one of the most important industries in the Boston area, but has still managed to remain relatively stable, despite the current state of the economy. The industry employed 207,800 workers during May, according to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is the same as during April, but a 4.2 percent decrease from last year.
Throughout the State of Massachusetts as a whole, the manufacturing industry employed 272,700 workers during May, down from 273,000 workers during April and a 5.4 percent decrease from last year.