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Workers want security when it comes to Boston jobs

Posted on April 17, 2013

One of the main things workers want is security when having Boston jobs.

It doesn’t matter the salary level or the type of job, many people value job security.

So what else do workers want?

According to a survey from Randstad US, workers a competitive salary, benefits, job security, and a pleasant work atmosphere.

An employer brand goes a long way in helping draw workers in if you have these benefits.

“An employer brand is a billboard for the organization, and the importance of this public sentiment goes beyond recruitment efforts,” said Jim Link, managing director of human resources for Randstad US. “Clearly, company reputation impacts attractiveness among potential candidates. It is also clear a strong employer brand will further drive bottom-line results by creating a stable workforce, increasing productivity, and engaging key stakeholders. This affects all aspects of the organization, and when managed effectively, can elevate leadership and visibility within the company’s industry.”

US workers seek financial security first and foremost. Even so, money isn’t everything. A pleasant work atmosphere follows closely as one of the top factors in choosing a new employer.

A pleasant work atmosphere is linked closely with job recognition, open communication, respect, and even fun and friendship. A good first step in building and sustaining an employer brand is to craft a culture that values employees, recognizes their contributions, and celebrates successes. Encouraging social connections among workers will not only nurture a sense of team spirit, it will also strengthen and solidify a feeling of shared commitment and accountability.

Employers should research what people are already saying about the company when drafting a blueprint for their employer brand. In a social media age, word of mouth communication is both accelerated and amplified. Company decision makers should use these digital conversations as an informal focus group and consider what’s being said online as a benchmark for their brand value. Employers can facilitate positive social mentions by encouraging current employees to serve as brand ambassadors. Additionally, engaging in dialogue with potential candidates will create an online talent community, which will establish a pre-employment connection with prospective employees.